Specialist Historic Building Consultancy & Heritage Planning Services
Heritage Impact Assessments
A Heritage Impact Assessment is a comprehensive document outlining the specific heritage significance of a building or site, as well as the impact of a proposed development upon its fabric and setting. The process also involves ongoing design advice, ensuring the scheme takes the sensitivities of all heritage assets concerned into account.

What is a Heritage Impact Assessment?
From listed buildings of various grades to non-designated heritage assets, conservation areas and areas of outstanding natural beauty, there can be many different and overlapping ways in which a building is protected, whether due to the fabric of the building itself or its setting. It can be a daunting task to approach these confusing layers of local and national policy, which is why it’s essential you know all the facts and have all the materials to hand to build your best possible case. That’s where Blue Willow Heritage comes in.
By creating a Heritage Impact Assessment, you’re bringing everything there is to know about your site’s heritage into one place, allowing you to state with confidence what the impact of your proposed scheme will be to the local authority planners. This includes everything from an inspection and full catalogue of the physical fabric on site to a thorough study of everything else, including the local landscape, other listed or protected buildings nearby, the history of your site researched from archive material, and all the historic mapping available to show how your site has changed over time.
Planning Application Requirement
That’s a good place to start, but as ever, Blue Willow Heritage goes above and beyond. Our Heritage Impact Assessments do far more than tick the legal boxes you need to make your submission, they arm you with the highest quality information to make informed judgments and to build sound, inspired arguments that can shape everything from the design to the planners’ final decision. By working with the highest quality information from the start, you have full visibility over your case, potential pitfalls and potential advantages, allowing you to craft a design that achieves your aims while satisfying local authorities. That means a faster process, a cheaper outcome and a more satisfying resolution for all parties.
With Blue Willow Heritage by your side at every step, from design and construction meetings all the way to planning discussions and local authority consultations, you’ll have the best possible chance of making your dream project a reality.